Queens Jubilee Song and How Great Thou Art Lyrics

How does 1 marking the Platinum Jubilee (70th ceremony) of the reign of a monarch?

What words practice we use to accolade the loyalists, the republicans, members of the broader Commonwealth, and those who threw off the mantle of royal dominion hundreds of years ago?   How does one honour the victims of Empire?

In Apr 2021 I became a citizen of the Great britain and swore my loyalty equally a 'field of study' of Her Majesty The Queen.   As a citizen of the United states of america of America, this has been a fascinating journey of heart, spirit and heed.  I offered to create this service as an exploration of my own understanding of monarchy, service and calling.

The modern words of liturgy and hymn respect the diversity of God's people through inclusive language.  Only the words of young Princess Elizabeth spoken in 1939 I accept left alone and the lyrics of the 2012 Jubilee anthems accept been omitted from this post (they are on the attached documents).  Most of the items have been posted previously on Worship Words, and I thank each writer for allowing their work to be included.

May yous discover something in this service that stirs your heart, spirit and mind.

Ana Gobledale

Guild of Worship with complete script and all readings, gear up-to-download:

2022 Jubilee Order of Service for URC – Word

2022 Jubilee Gild of Service for URC  – PDF

Preparation Notes:

  1. Dates – The official Platinum Jubilee Celebrations volition occur 2-five June 2022. This service may exist used any fourth dimension during 2022.
  2. Children'southward Activities – suggestions appear at the end of the attached document and nigh the end of this post
  3. Jubilee medallists: If at that place are local recipients of the Platinum Jubilee medal, consider including a fourth dimension in the service to recognise these recipients, people who work in public service including representatives of the Armed Forces, the emergency services and the prison house services. The tradition of a Jubilee medal stretches dorsum to the reign of Queen Victoria when an official medal was designed to mark her 50th anniversary on the throne.
  4. Songs – we celebrate URC'southward hymn writers! You lot may wish to use fewer hymns. Suggestions for an anthem announced at the stop of this certificate; these do not all utilise inclusive linguistic communication.
  5. Acknowledgements: Please include acknowledgements in printed service sheets.  All endnotes are included on this post and on the printed documents.
  6. Flowers: Consider creating an organisation using the flowers from the 1953 coronation boutonniere — a floral symbol of the United Kingdom: England – orchids and lilies of the valley; Scotland – stephanotis; Wales – orchids.  You might add the national flower of Northern Ireland – shamrocks, and the unofficial national blossom of the Isle of mann – ragwort (cushag).

Order of Service[ane]


We gather for this service to worship and praise God giving thank you every bit nosotros mark the Platinum Jubilee of The Queen's reign. Nosotros celebrate seventy years of her sovereignty and service. Whatever our feelings toward the monarchy and nobility, nosotros can all wait to Queen Elizabeth with respect and gratitude for her life of true-blue service.


When asked if she would like to advise an particular for inclusion in the service, the following written response[2] was received from Balmoral Castle:

'The Queen has been deeply moved by the loyalty and back up she has received throughout her long reign from her subjects both at home and within the Commonwealth, and the sentiments you limited as you prepare a Service of Thanksgiving to celebrate her Platinum Jubilee adjacent twelvemonth are greatly appreciated. It was kind of you to make Her Majesty aware of your considerate suggestions for this Service and, while not wishing to add together a personal message, The Queen greatly appreciated your kind thought in writing equally you did.' Signed: Annabel Whitehead, Lady-in-Waiting.

This special service highlights hymns, prayers and psalms written past members of the United Reformed Church building in Great Britain, celebrating our church's diversity and witness throughout this realm.

Reading from the Psalms — Psalm 98 Redux by Revd Carla A. Grosch-Miller[3]

Our starting time reading arises from Psalm 98, written by Revd Carla Grosch-Miller.

Sing aloud for joy!
Conjure magnificent melodies!
Create meteoritic metaphors!
Reach for the heights of beauty
and the depths of drama!
Use everything to manus —
all that you lot can make
and all that yous tin imagine:
stardust and earthdreams,
the music of the spheres
and the murmur of silence,
the hunger of the heart
and the hope everlasting.

The Power within and beyond,
the Presence throughout,
the Wonder and the Celebrity
call for nothing less
than the full expression
of all that we are
and all that we have.

At that place is no identify
on earth or in the heavens
that has not been soaked in,
tickled or teased by Divine Love.

There is no living brute
on earth or in the heavens
that has not been marked,
grazed or embraced past the Divine Kiss.

At that place is no song
too lowly or as well m
to offer in praise
and thanksgiving.

Bring your instruments:
blow your horns,
strum your strings,
pound your pianos,
lift Your voices.

Match the roar of the oceans
and the majesty of the mountains.
Let all things magnify Holy might.
Let all things reflect Holy light.

Nothing is apart from,
and all is a part of,
whose immensity,
mercy and justice
are forever.

Opening Hymn Creator God, your dearest abounds, lyrics by Revd Ana Gobledale[4]

Melody: Oh Lord, my God (How Nifty 1000 Fine art)

Creator God, your honey abounds forever;
Creation'due south beauty fills the world and sky.
Your shining stars, the universe expanding,
Amazing power, cosmos does display.

Chorus: Creator God, we elevator our song to yous,
How corking your love, how great your beloved. (repeat)

When through the fields, and mossy forest nosotros wander,
nosotros hear the birds, and rustling of the leaves;
When nosotros absorb the sunrays shining brightly,
And experience the shade beneath the spreading trees, Chorus

Walking the streets, through city ways and byways
We hear the sounds of life and children's play;
When justice rings from every church'due south spire
We feel the hope of promises you've made. Chorus

And when we retrieve, how love and peace surround usa,
Eternal One, we deficient can take it in,
Your truth, your realm, your justice spreading broadly,
Our hearts are filled, for Love has entered in. Chorus

Prayer of Praise & Thanksgiving

Join me in prayer.
Gracious God, how great your dearest!
We lift our vocal to you equally we gather with praise and thanksgiving on our hearts. We come, part of the rainbow of your family, from the nations of this United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, rich in our variety and culture.
Nosotros come as people of faith to requite you thanks for Her Majesty The Queen — a leader, a mother, a wife, a retainer.
Thank you for her life of service and the case of her deep sense of vocation.
May she go along to be blessed with divine guidance and detect strength in her faith.
May she be encouraged by the widespread celebration of this Jubilee.
May we who assemble today be enriched and strengthened past today'southward service.
May the words, spoken and sung, elevator our spirits that we might leave this place steadfast in our role every bit your ambassadors and Christ'southward disciples. Amen.

Reading from the Prophets Micah 6.half dozen-8[five]

Our reading from the Erstwhile Testament is from the Prophet Micah who writes:
'What shall I bring when I come before God,
and bow downward before God on high?' you ask.
'Am I to come before God with burnt offerings? With yr-old calves?
Volition God be placated past thousands of rams, or 10 thousand rivers of oil?
Should I offer my firstborn for my wrongdoings–
the fruit of my trunk for the sin of my soul?'
Listen here, mortal,
God has already fabricated abundantly clear what 'good' is,
and what God needs from y'all:
simply do justice, love kindness, and humbly walk with your God

Prayer of Confession

As we set to confess our sins, may we be enlightened by the words of Queen Elizabeth, from her 1984 Christmas message.

'Above all, we must retain the child's readiness to forgive, with which we are all built-in and which it is all also easy to lose as nosotros grow older.  Without it, divisions between families, communities and nations remain unbridgeable.  Nosotros owe it to our children and grandchildren to live upwards to the standards of behaviour and tolerance which nosotros are so eager to teach them…. We should piece of work to heal former wounds and to abandon prejudice and suspicion.'[6]

'Forgiveness lies at the middle of the Christian religion.  It tin can heal cleaved families; it can restore friendships and information technology can reconcile divided communities.  It is in forgiveness that we feel the ability of God's love.'[7]

 Join me in prayer.
Merciful God, we approach you asking for forgiveness,
For healing and reconciliation
To once once more feel the power of your Love.
Equally individuals and as a nation we take tempted fate.
We accept not simply done justice and loved kindness.
We have stretched our grasp with greed.
We have protected our privacy with isolationism.
We have ravaged your cosmos with entitlement.
Forgive us.
As we are forgiven, may we,
with the readiness of a child, forgive others.
Those who take acquired sectionalisation and pain
Those who spread intolerance and prejudice
Those who destroy that which we try to build up.
Open our hearts to carelessness prejudice and suspicion.
As we teach our children tolerance, may we be tolerant.
Use united states of america to restore harmony
That all may humbly walk with you lot
And feel the ability of your love.
This we pray in the proper noun of the great healer, Jesus. Amen

The Lord's Prayer

We at present join our voices together proverb The Lord's Prayer interpreted for today, past Mary Carpenter.[eight]

Loving God, we know that you forgive us our trespasses every bit nosotros must forgive those who trespass against usa.
And yet how hard we find it to follow your loving example in our twenty-four hour period to day lives.
Assist usa to resist the temptations of revenge and retribution and turn instead to the loving kindness of forgiveness and reconciliation.
Help us to forgive others for their shortcomings.
Help us also to forgive ourselves for our ain shortcomings, for which we know y'all have already forgiven united states of america.
Loving God, when we are brought low, y'all help us.
You salve our eyes from tears and y'all keep our feet from falling.
You are ever-pardoning and ever-forgiving.
Permit us reverberate your beloved in our handling of others, and let u.s. work for justice, reconciliation and forgiveness throughout your peoples.

Assurance of grace Psalm 85 Renewed, past Revd Duncan Wilson[9]

God of all, how kind you are to your people,
for you forgive our sins
and are gentle with our shortcomings.
You hold back your displeasure
and your anger never lasts for long.
It is what nosotros demand, this ever-present beloved
and your saving hand when problem comes.
Nosotros are listening to what yous say,
peculiarly your hope that peace will come
when nosotros turn from our foolish ways
Then Love and Loyalty will hold easily,
Justice and Peace will embrace.
Even every bit nosotros plow to discover you,
nosotros observe assurance knowing that
you are looking upon united states at present.

Hymn Let me walk in love beside you lot, lyrics by Revd Ray Stanyon[ten]

Melody: St Andrews

Let us walk in dear beside you lot
All along life'due south dusty route
Hearing, knowing every brunt
Let us help to share your load

Wounds and pain arise to rob us
Of a love community
Guard united states from a cocky-importance
Seeing you as less than 'we'

Allow us rise and risk for justice
Walk a mile within your shoes
Striving for a world that's far too
Precious in God's eyes to lose

Whether sitting or if active
May we ever do what'due south best
God the focus of attending
God our source, our work, our rest

The Litany of Prayer and Thanksgiving (include young people as readers, when possible) Adjusted from 2012 Jubilee service

Today we celebrate the life and service of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Bring together me in a responsive litany of thanksgiving. When I say 'God over all,' delight respond maxim 'nosotros give you thanks'.  Pray with me.

God over all, we give you thanks.
God our source, our work our residual,
We give thanks for nations and leaders effectually the world.
God over all, we give you thanks.
We give cheers for Her Majesty's reign of lxx years and the example of a life symbolised past duty and sustained by religion.
God over all, we give you thanks.
We give thanks for the members of the Imperial Family who have given service to this country and its people.
God over all, we give yous thanks.
We requite thanks for all the citizens of this realm.
God over all, nosotros give you lot thanks.
We give thank you for the practices and values of these lands,
God over all, we give y'all thank you.
We thank for governance that cares for both citizens and global neighbours.
God over all, we requite you lot thank you.
Nosotros give thanks for the steadfast witness of the Christian Church building and of communities of faith here and around the globe.
God over all, we give you lot thank you.
We give cheers that nosotros can assemble in our diversity and celebrate today.
God over all, nosotros give yous thanks. Amen

Prayer for the Queen

Let the states continue in prayer.
God of Creation
Designer of sameness and diversity,
of time and eternity,
we give you thanks and praise.
Today we particularly pray for Queen Elizabeth.
In this year of Jubilee, grant her your gifts of honey, joy and peace
as she continues in faithful obedience to yous, her God,
and in devoted service to the people of these islands,
and those of the Democracy.
Illuminate her path that she may walk in your fashion,
now and all the days of her life.
This we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen

Children's Message To love mercy – the sword with the cleaved tip

Preparation: Collect these articles in a soft pocketbook:

    • Contemporary photo of Queen Elizabeth
    • Photo of coronation
    • Picture show of the broken-tipped Sword of Mercy


I have something in my bag.
[Accept out a contempo photograph of Queen Elizabeth]
Who is this?   [Queen Elizabeth]
Yes. Today we are thinking about Queen Elizabeth.  Who tin can tell me how many years she has been the Queen?  [seventy]
Yes.  That's a long time, 70 years.
What year was it 70 years agone when she became queen?  [1952].

[Take out a photo of the young Elizabeth at her Coronation.]
Who practise yous think this is?
Yeah.  This is Queen Elizabeth on the day in 1952 when she became Queen.
There was a special service, a coronation, held that 24-hour interval.
At that service at that place were several symbols given to the new queen.
Each symbol is to help her remember something of import.

[Remove from bag: a picture of a sword with a broken tip – included in the attached Word and PDF scripts.]
What'south this?  [a sword]
Aye.  One of the symbols given to the new Queen is a sword.
But it's not similar about swords.
Can you see something different almost this sword?
Await at the tip?  Is information technology sharp and pointed?
No.  This sword, given to the new queen, actually has a cleaved tip. Information technology was cleaved on purpose, to remind her of something.  Why do you think the tip is broken? A broken sword might remind the Queen of…what?

[Let the children share their ideas.]

This sword with its broken tip symbolises mercy.  In fact, information technology has a special proper noun: Curtana, The Sword of Mercy. The broken tip reminds the Queen that she must non be roughshod, only be merciful.  She must find ways to bring peace not hardship in her judgements.  Just like the prophet Micah said, as we heard read, 'What does God require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.'

Pray with me.
God of mercy, cheers for reminding the Queen and us that we should not exist cruel or hurtful, but rather exist merciful, acting with justice and kindness.  Amen.

Hymn Bring us your Peace by Sam Goodman[eleven]

Tune: Lobe den Herren 'Praise to the Lord'

Bring the states your peace
Wrap us gently in love that can calm us
Save united states from fright
And protect us from hurts that can harm us
And as yous heal
Bear witness united states your mercy is real
Alive in our hearts and refresh us

Bring us your hope
Let us trust how yous condolement and guide us
Permit u.s. give thanks
For the gifts that you daily provide u.s.a.
All nosotros receive
Gives us the strength that we need
Live in our lives and refresh us

Bring us your truth
Let it conquer the lies that dismay u.s.
Shape and remould u.s.a.
Enfold the states in dearest every bit yous save us
Teach u.s.a. to be
Touched by your mercy set up free
Live in our homes and refresh u.s.a.

Bring us your light
Show united states darkness can never defeat it
Show us your vision
And how nosotros tin can serve to complete it
Allow your calorie-free shine
Let it be your will, not mine
Live in our dear and refresh u

The New Testament ReadingRomans 12. ane-18 NRSV[12]

Today's reading from the New Testament is taken from Paul'southward alphabetic character to the people of Rome, a reading that was also read at the 2012 Royal Jubilee service.  Paul writes:

'I entreatment to you therefore, sisters and brothers, by the mercies of God, to nowadays your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Practise not exist conformed to this world, merely be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.

'For past the grace given to me I say to everyone among you lot not to think of yourself more highly than yous ought to remember, only to think with sober judgement, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. For every bit in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so nosotros, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to united states: prophecy, in proportion to faith; ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness.

'Let dear exist genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; love one another with common affection; outdo one some other in showing honour. Do non lag in zeal, be agog in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in promise, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers.

'Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice, cry with those who weep. Alive in harmony with one another; practise not be haughty, but acquaintance with the lowly; do not claim to be wiser than you are. Do non repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all. If information technology is possible, so far every bit it depends on y'all, alive peaceably with all.'

Here ends the reading.  May God bless us with understanding.

Hymn We find ourselves between two worlds by Stephen Best[13]

Tune: Gonfalon Regal

We find ourselves between ii worlds,
In one nosotros alive, for one we hope
To risk their fusion is our call,
Achieved through dear, which welcomes all.

Achieved through honey, which welcomes all,
Which bends and breaks and mends over again,
The source of all; and all the same information technology serves;
Eternal friend, divine, at ane.

Eternal friend, divine, at one
With us; within, around, beyond.
Dear calls united states of america on, we plant its seeds
In hope that this same beloved volition abound.

In hope that this same love will grow,
Nosotros bend and break and mend again
Because the goal is worth the pain
We discover ourselves between two worlds.

The Sermon  – to exist prepared locally

Quotations from Queen Elizabeth for reflection

'I know only how much I rely on my faith to guide me through the good times and the bad.  Each day is a new start.  I know that the but way to alive my life is to attempt to do what is right, to take the long view, to give of my best in all that the day brings, and to put my trust in God…I draw strength from the message of hope in the Christian gospel.'  — Queen Elizabeth, 2002  (p.half-dozen in The Retainer Queen, past Marking Greene & Catherine Butcher)

'Love your Neighbour'
The Queen, in her 1975 Christmas message said, 'His [Jesus'due south] simple message of love has been turning the world upside down ever since.  He showed that what people are and what they do, does matter and does make all the difference…. It does matter therefore what each individual does each day.  Kindness, sympathy, resolution and courteous behaviour are infectious. Acts of courage and cocky-sacrifice …are an inspiration to others. And the combined effect can be enormous…. We may feel powerless lone merely the joining efforts of individuals can defeat the evils of our fourth dimension.  Together they tin can create a stable, costless and considerate lodge.'  (p.49 in The Retainer Queen, by Mark Greene & Catherine Butcher)

Prayers for our Earth Kairos! by Karen Campbell[14]

Bring together me in prayer written by Karen Campbell, Secretary for Global & Intercultural Ministries for the United Reformed Church.

God, in whose likeness all are made,
teach us to come across each other
equally yous see us –
each individual,
nation and people –
Valued across mensurate.
Enable us
to see as you lot see.

God, who is dearest,
teach united states of america to love each other
equally you love us –
from the very heart
of who we are,
embracing friend,
embracing neighbor,
embracing stranger.
surmounting all barriers –
existent and perceived.
Move u.s.
to beloved as you love.

God, who is impartial,
teach us to strive
equally you strive –
raging with the oppressed,
unsettling the comfortable,
refusing to be stilled
or quieted
until your cries for justice
are heard,
and echoed,
and lived into being.
Stir us to exist agents
of claiming
and change.

God of justice,
God, who demands justice,
move the states from the inactive, safe, silent,
identify on the fence.
Open up our eyes – now.
Move us to mind – now.
Make us hear – at present.
Speak out – now.
Speak up – now.
Struggle and move and act for justice –
right now –
in our world,
our nation,
our Church – today.


Queen Elizabeth speaks of sacrifice and backbone.  May her words exist an inspiration to usa that we, in our sacrificial giving, may be an inspiration to others.
Today'south drove volition go to back up the work of this local church and (a named clemency).

Prayer of Dedication:
Pray with me.  Gracious God, receive these gifts that represent our love for you and our commitment to human activity for justice. May they reflect the self-sacrifice described past Queen Elizabeth and exist used boldly as we join efforts to 'defeat the evils of our fourth dimension.'  Amen

Hymn Dear alone by Revd Stephen Best[15]

Tune: Blaenwern

Any words which we may utter,
Without beloved to attain their goal,
Are no more than ambivalent cymbals,
Empty gongs without a soul.
Though we conjure hereafter visions,
Understand life's wherewithal,
And have faith which moves the mountains,
Without beloved nosotros are not whole.

Acts of charitable giving
And the self-deprival call,
If such deportment have no loving,
we gain nothing from them all.
Love is patient, love is kindness,
Knows no green-eyed does non avowal,
Bends itself to others' pathways,
Hopes, believes and endures all.

Everything has its ain season,
Children once, we now stand up alpine.
In adulthood withal our vision
Through night mirrors captures all.
While nosotros search for understanding,
Religion and hope and love still call,
And in future generations,
Honey lonely will outlast all


In 1939, words taken from a verse form by Minnie Louise Haskins were shared by Princess Elizabeth, then13 years old, with her male parent.  According to one biographer, Elizabeth told her father that she, 'thought information technology might exist helpful.' The biographer claims that, 'It was the lines from that poem that stirred and strengthened the hearts of millions at that terrible fourth dimension.' These are the words shared by Princess Elizabeth with her begetter, Rex George Six.

"I said to the man who stood at the Gate of the Year, 'Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.'
And he replied, 'Go out into the darkness, and put your mitt into the paw of God.  That shall be to you better than light, and safer than a known way.'"

Sending Forth     by Revd Cara Heafey[17]

Let u.s. put our easily into the hand of God and leave with joy
Awakened to the treasure within and around the states,
To bring transformation, challenge and hope to the world.
And may the arable blessings of God,
Source, Saviour and Spirit
Be ours today and ever. Amen.

Hymn From where I stand up by Sam Goodman

Tune: In Christ alone

You are our rock, safe and secure
All that nosotros treasure comes from you
When others fade, yous will suffer
Your promises are e'er true

Chorus:  From where we stand, from what nosotros know
You are our forcefulness and, likewise, our guide
Wherever nosotros are chosen to go
Your love will e'er live inside

We could exist cowardly or brave
Fear could engulf our waking hours
Your message has the power to save
Your words bring hope, they give united states power. Chorus

Nosotros cannot walk this path lone
Nosotros cannot find the words to say
Your family becomes our home
Opens its arms and bids us stay. Chorus

Yous elevator our spirits, give u.s.a. promise
In troubles we can feel your hand
You accept our burden, help the states cope
You lot lead us on from where nosotros stand. Chorus

The Grace 2 Corinthians 13:14

Join me in the grace, blessing ane some other every bit we say it together:
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the honey of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

Conclusion of Service

Children'southward Activities

Make or describe symbols of the monarch, the items received at coronation, and learn their meaning:

  • The sceptre with an orb and a cross on top – symbolises the rule of Jesus Christ over the earth. The monarch belongings this sceptre, signifies that she is a servant of an fifty-fifty greater monarch, Christ.
  • A Bible – symbolises wisdom. The monarch is guided by the Word of God.
  • Sword of Mercy, Curtana – (with a broken tip) symbolises mercy. The broken tip reminds monarchs that they must practice mercy in their sentence. Micah:  What does the Lord crave of y'all? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.'
  • Rod of Equity and Mercy – symbolises mercy and equity. The sceptre is topped with a pigeon, a symbol of peace and the Holy Spirit.

More Music Possibilitie

Culling hymns past URC writers

Hymn Option oneRefresh our lives — Sam Goodman (URC)

Melody: Was lebet was schwebet, O worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness

Refresh our lives bring usa back to this Holy place
Where we experience held in the love that you prove
Let mercy flow, hold us tenderly in your grace
Build up your church permit our beloved for you grow

Restore in our lives that great spark that you gave to usa
Relight the fire that one time burned in our hearts
Challenge us daily to trust you lot to strengthen us
Use us to serve, let your miracles starting time

Revive us with water that won't make us thirst again
Deepen our longing to seek for the truth
Kindle our yearning to put your way first again
Requite u.s. the courage to stand up up for you

Redeem your people and gather the wanderers
Comfort the mourners, furnish our love
Bring us your hope, only you tin can evangelize us
Guide us with patience to wait on your phone call

Rejoice with the spirit, the sanctuary fills with praise
Come up here with joy, allow God's proper noun be proclaimed
Let love rebound from songs and psalms that we raise
Hold in our hearts the full awe of God's proper noun

Hymn Selection 2 In tenderness enfold the states by Sam Goodman, United kingdom

Tune: Crüger, Hail to the Lord'south anointed

In tenderness enfold the states, engage with us in prayer
And as you gently concord united states of america, remind u.s.a. that you're there
Send low-cal into our darkness
Exhale love into our lives
Send blessings down upon us
Let hope and mercy thrive

Be in the prayer we offer, shine in the honey nosotros share
Requite comfort when we suffer, relationships repair
Guide united states of america to where yous demand us
To where your word is heard
With breadstuff that lasts, please feed us
And so we in turn can serve

Give u.s.a. the hearts that long to wrap those nosotros meet in care
Make full us with courage, stiff also, yet gentle in our prayer
May all nosotros do exist worthy
To be washed in your name
May your desire burn in us
Every bit we pass on your flame

Come up fill up u.s.a. every bit you feed us to share you everywhere
A trunk of believers refreshed and moved past prayer
With hearts that show compassion
With hands that do you will
With trust and with your passion
Your calling to fulfil

Anthem options

Anthem Option ane: Choir anthem

Canticle Option 2: Anthem sung at Gold Jubilee in 2012. (v minutes long)

Play from a recording or online. Follow link for recording and directions equally to acquiring permission.
'The Phone call of Wisdom', by composer Will Todd; lyrics by Michael Hampel;
Commissioned by the Chapter of St Paul's Cathedral for the Diamond Jubilee of HM The Queen, sponsored by The Worshipful Company of Horners.   Published past and available for purchase from Oxford Press.
Lyrics:  The lyrics are non inclusive. (All data is bachelor at link above)

Anthem Option 3: O m the central orb of righteous beloved

(sung at Jubilee service 2012)  words: HR Bramley (1833-1917) ; music by Charles Wood (1866-1926)   [note – uses all inclusive language!]

    • O 1000 the Central Orb – Forest – YouTube (music and lyrics accompanying singing
    • (1) Charles Wood – O grand the primal orb – YouTube recording from the National Service of Thanksgiving to Gloat The Diamond Jubilee Of Her Majesty The Queen at St Paul'due south Cathedral, Tuesday 5th June 2012
    • (1) Charles Wood Summer School – O Thou, The Cardinal Orb – Woods – YouTube – sung and signed; The Charles Forest Summertime School Singers conducted by Robert Blake

O Chiliad, the primal orb of righteous love,
Pure beam of the nigh Loftier, eternal Light
Of this our wintry world, Thy radiance bright
Awakes new joy in faith, hope soars above.

Come up, quickly come, and let thy glory shine,
Gilding our darksome sky with rays Divine.

Thy saints with holy lustre round Thee move,
As stars virtually thy throne, set in the pinnacle
Of God's ordaining counsel, as Thy sight
Gives measured grace to each, Thy power to bear witness.

Let Thy bright beams disperse the gloom of sin,
Our nature all shall feel eternal day
In fellowship [sic] with thee, transforming twenty-four hours
To souls erewhile unclean, at present pure within. Amen.


[1] This Order of Service, commissioned by the URC's Worship Reference Group, has been compiled and written by Revd Dr Ana Gobledale.  The service highlights items written past members of the United Reformed Church. Inspiration for the service arises from portions of the 2012 National Service of Thanksgiving to gloat the Queen'southward Diamond Jubilee held at St Paul'south Cathedral. Please include all acknowledgements in printed service sheets.

[two] Letter dated 30 September 2021 from Annabel Whitehead, Lady-in-Waiting,  Balmoral Castle, to Reverend Gobledale

[3] Revd Carla A. Grosch-Miller (URC ordained Government minister), Psalms redux: Poems and prayers (Canterbury Press, 2014), used with permission

[iv] Revd Ana Gobledale (URC ordained Government minister) serves Salisbury URC and edits the liturgical website, Worship Words. Used with permission.

[five] The Inclusive Bible: The First Egalitarian Translation, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Plymouth United kingdom, 2007; 'God' replaces 'YHWH'.

[vi] Queen Elizabeth, Christmas 1984  (p 42-43 in The Retainer Queen: and the King she serves, by Marking Greene & Catherine Butcher, published by Bible Society, Hope, LICC, 2016)

[7] Queen Elizabeth, 2011 (p.42 in in The Retainer Queen: and the King she serves, by Marking Greene & Catherine Butcher, published by Bible Society, Promise, LICC, 2016)

[8] 'Aid United states: Echoes of the Jesus Prayer' written by Mary Carpenter while a member of St Andrew's URC Brockley, London. Used with permission.

[ix] Revd Duncan Wilson (URC ordained Minister) writes gimmicky versions of psalms for his project 'Praise from the center: The Psalms in liturgical guild'. Used with permission.

[x] Revd Ray Stanyon (URC ordained Minister) serves Wessex Synod; Words © RNC Stanyon 2019, used with permission.

[11] Sam Goodman (URC ordained Elderberry) currently studying for ordained ministry, serving Cardinal URC in Derby. Used with permission.

[12] This passage, Romans 12.1-xviii, was read at the 2012 Jubilee service held in St Paul'southward Cathedral, London.

[13] Stephen Best (URC ordained Minister) serving the Cardiff and Penarth URC Pastorate, Wales. These lyrics were written originally for Stephen'due south ordination service. Used with permission.

[14]Karen Campbell (URC ordained Elder & Church Related Community Worker) serves as URC Secretary for Global & Intercultural Ministries.

[15] Revd Stephen Best (URC ordained Minister) serving the Cardiff and Penarth URC Pastorate, Wales. Inspired past 1 Corinthians 13. Used with permission.

[16] from pages 10-xi in 'The Servant Queen,' past Marker Greene & Catherine Butcher

[17] Revd Cara Heafey (URC ordained Government minister) serving at Summertown URC and Clergyman in the Oxford Hospitals.


Source: https://worshipwords.co.uk/royal-platinum-jubilee-service-ana-gobledale-uk/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=royal-platinum-jubilee-service-ana-gobledale-uk

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