Failing to pay child support can result in jail timeThe respond to this question is YES! If you accept been served with an Order to Testify Cause regarding your child back up obligation , you could exist found guilty of criminal antipathy and possibly receive an active jail judgement.

I have years of feel in the Wake Canton Kid Support Enforcement courtroom and I have helped hundreds of individuals who are behind in their kid support and facing potential jail time. During these years, I accept come into contact with many individuals and many different circumstances.

People fall backside in their kid support for various reasons, such equally unemployment, change in employment, health bug and unfortunately, refusal to pay their child support obligation. More than than not, unemployment or changes in employment are the cause for many child support arrears cases.

More than than not, unemployment or changes in employment are the crusade of many child support deficit cases.

What To Exercise If You Autumn Behind on Child Back up Payments

If you find yourself falling behind in your monthly kid back up obligation due to employment issues or wellness problems there are deportment that you tin can take to try and foreclose from being held in contempt and serving an active jail sentence.

First of all, don't assume that just because you lot can't meet your full child support obligation, that information technology is acceptable to pay NOTHING at all toward this obligation.

A judge is going to look at your family law case more than favorably if they can see that you have made a good faith effort to pay something toward your obligation each month. Judges do not look favorably upon individuals who come up to court crying and complaining that they lost their job or they can't find a job, nonetheless they are dressed in the best clothes and looking at their iPhone while in court, all the same they haven't paid a dime toward their child back up obligation in six months. That is one of the quickest ways to notice yourself trading those squeamish clothes in for a striped jumpsuit and using the jail phone to make any and all of your phone calls.

Second, if your employment circumstances have inverse, FILE A MOTION TO MODIFY CHILD SUPPORT.

I don't know how many times I take met with individuals and they tell me that they lost their job over a twelvemonth ago or they take a job, but their income is half of what information technology was when this kid support social club went into place. Delight sympathise that a child back up order will non be reduced or even considered for such until the obligated party files a move to modify child support. Don't expect two years to file such a movement, file it equally shortly as your circumstances change. If you don't do anything, the ongoing support keeps piling up and y'all are going to find yourself with a large number of deficit and you lot may potentially cease up in jail.

Third, always keep in touch with your caseworker and proceed them updated on your situation.

Always inform them of any accost or telephone number changes. If you are upfront and honest with them and let them know what your situation is, they are more likely to work with you lot and non enquire that the gauge discover you in contempt. If yous are unemployed, so you lot better be looking for a job and you need to be able to show the gauge that yous have been such a thing. If y'all are a resident of Wake Canton and you are a father, you may be eligible to participate in some programs, such as Fathers Forever, where you can find employment.

Do You Take to Pay Kid Support if You Get Sick?

If you find that you are behind in child support because you can no longer piece of work because of some medical issue or yous have a medical leave from work due to an disease, make sure that you get some documentation from your doctor or the hospital where you are being treated. Your caseworker and the judge are going to want to see whatever documentation that can prove that you are not able to work or whatever the state of affairs may be.

Also, if y'all have filed for social security disability benefits, you will be expected to provide this documentation to your caseworker and the judge so that yous might accept your instance connected or a tending of in a way that doesn't result in antipathy and jail time.

Refusing To Pay Child Support

If you are one of these individuals that but refuses to pay your child support obligation and y'all accept no reason for being in deficit, and then you need to either come up to court with enough coin to pay for your outstanding arrears or come prepared to go to jail, because a estimate is not going to tolerate such disregard of your obligation to have care of your child or children. For those in need, check out the Kid Support Network.

If you are behind on your child support obligation and are due in a North Carolina court regarding such call 919-615-2473 to contact the attorneys of Kirk, Kirk, Howell, Cutler & Thomas, L.50.P. to discuss your situation. We know how challenging dealing withfamily constabulary cases tin can be and have risen in a higher place expectations for over lx years.

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